Small Group
The small group gets together once a month at a member's home. Check the calendar for day/time. We have fellowship in a members home. We watch a video and have discussion. It is great time to get to know each other better and to share in a time of fellowship and learning. If you are interested in learning more about Small Group, please contact Martha Harriman:
Book Club
Our monthly book club meetings cover a diverse range of modern fiction and features lively conversation and snacks.
Men's & Women's Group
At Windermere Union Church we have Men’s and Women’s Breakfast Groups that meet for fellowship. Currently we meet at 9:00 AM on the third Saturday of the month at Toojays at 10185 W Colonial Dr, Ocoee, FL 34761.
Members and friends meet on the third Saturday of the month at Forest Lake Golf Club. After the round we meet at the clubhouse for lunch and commiserate about the missed putts. We look forward to seeing you at the course. Email Gerry Picard to add yourself to the email notification list.