Virtual Church 2021-02-28 Mark 8: 31-38

February 28, 2021

Call to Celebration

God of Mystery, we enter into your presence with delight.

Reveal to us the power of living in the light. 

Our lives are shaped by experiences.

Living is an adventure.

Are safety nets needed for the sedentary?     

We were born to be wild.

You lived life through movements: wilderness, miracles, teaching…

Remind us our lives are enhanced by that which takes our breath away.



God of Hope, help us to embrace the fire of life. Fire makes it possible for us to text, and tweet, and email, and Instagram, and Facebook, and socially be dysfunctional with each other. Fire makes that possible, and        de Chardin said fire was one of the great discoveries in all of human history. He went on to say, if humanity ever captures the energy of love, it will be the second time in history that we have discovered fire.

(The quote above is from Bishop Michael Curry, The Episcopal Church)

Bringing in the Light 


Concerns & Celebrations

Praise Song

Children's Moment

Music Ministry


Mark 8:31-38

Taking the Light into the World

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