Virtual Church 2020-05-17 The Spirit of Truth

May 17, 2020

Today’s scripture passage is another one where Jesus is comforting his disciples because he will not physically be with them.  At the center of the passage is a lesson about love.  Jesus loves them, God loves Jesus and thus God loves the disciples too.  Jesus also tells his disciples that if they love him they will keep his commands. 

The great discovery for me in the passage is how Jesus reassures his disciples he will not leave them as orphans.  My sermon today will explore Jesus’ plan to support his disciples after he is no longer physically with them.

  • Jesus will continue to connect with his disciples.
  • God will give them an advocate, Spirit of Truth.
  • Why does the world not know Jesus or God?
  • Where do we find God?
  • On that day you realized!  Consciousness!
  • Jesus’ Commands.
  • Jesus makes an abstract God embraceable.
  • To know Jesus is to know God and ultimate to know ourselves.
  • Consciousness beyond our five senses requires a lot from us.

Call to Celebration

O, Great Spirit of Love, you are so wondrous.

Your are integral in all life forms. 

Words cannot fully express your enormity.

Daily, you are revealing to us that nothing can separate us from you. Love unifies us.

Love holds us together in in divisive times.  Amen


Incredible God, thank you that love is fluid. You have modeled love as service and compassion. Love holds us accountable to be the truest expression of ourselves. Empower us to flow in the Spirit of Love, especially in difficult times. Amen

Bringing in the Light


Prayers and Concerns

Children's Moment

Music Ministry 

Scripture & Sermon

John 14: 15-21 New International Version (NIV)

Extinguishing the Light

A Prayer for Peace and Restoration

God, in these uncertain times, we desire to cultivate our joy. Help us to go into the deepest recess in our souls to discover the beauty that makes us alive. Restore the joy I find in my laughter so that I can give voice to hope.  Amen.

Rev. LaTrell Harrison

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