Virtual Church 2020-10-11 Come and get it!

October 11, 2020

We continue this week with Jesus’ challenge to the religious leaders.  He compares them to people invited by a king to celebrate his son’s wedding.  When the banquet was ready the king sends out servants to let this invited the feast was ready. They ignore the invitation.  Later the king has his servants to invite anyone they see.  The banquet hall was full of people including the good and bad.  Today’s focus is going to be upon how we respond when invited to join God’s feast of life.  

  • The Kingdom of Heaven is like….
  • Our response to the invitation is not an either/or situation.
  • God creates the opportunity to respond.  It is up to us to accept.
  • Publishing the book, Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
  • Eleanor Friede and listening to her intuition.
  • Is our intuition God’s messenger? 
  • God invites us in spite of our background. 
  • God invites us without respect to our level of education. 
  • God invites us without regard to our bank account. 
  • Anne Lamott's book, Traveling Mercies, is entitled: "Why I Make Sam Go To Church.”  
  • Our job is to help people to fly in a way they never dreamt was possible

Call to Celebration

God of Creation, we accept your holy invitation.

We open our hearts to become new.

We embrace the gift of being first-string players on your team.

The bench is for those who desire to play it safe. 

We will execute the offense of inclusion.

We vehemently defend love.

Justice is compelling us forward.

Shalom is our goal. Amen


Holy God, thank you for being a gracious host. The table has been set. As we bring our gifts in gratitude as invited guests, remind us that we are not to come alone. We are our sister’s keeper. We are our brother’s companion. Without them the feast is incomplete. Empower us to complete the guest list.  Amen

Bringing in the Light 

Celebrations & Concerns

Children's Moment 

Music Ministry



Matthew 22: 1-14

Taking the Light into the World

A Prayer for Peace and Restoration

God of Perfect Peace, estrangement is not good for our souls or the focus of your kingdom. In uncertainty, remind us that it is good and pleasant to be in the presence of those who nourish our mental and emotional health. Help us not to isolate. May your spirit open us to connecting with new things that feed us. Amen

Rev. LaTrell Harrison

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