John the Baptist was the classic Jewish prophet. The first century Jews were longing for such a voice like his. They had missed God’s messengers. Unfortunately for John, he like the others before him when their message became a threat to the people in power they killed him.
I see today’s passage as a map or guide to our Spiritual awakening! I offers the steps we can take to start a new spiritual awakening or help us to deepen the path we are currently on. Here we go!
*Preparing for the Journey*
- The journey starts with awareness
- The voice crying out in the wilderness is our own. An outside voice may become the catalyst. But it starts with a yearning within us.
- Something has to change!
- Spiritual Awakening Happen when we listen to that Voice
- The passage states that people traveled a long distance to hear and witness John the Baptist and receive his baptism.
- The Spiritual awakening requires movement.
- Standing still is only good for awhile.
At some point we must move, go, take the steps necessary
- Repentance and confessing sins—-Missing the Mark and An about face!
- Not only do we need an awareness that a change is needed but, also specifically what do we need to turn around!
- May Need Help/Counselor /Stephens Minister
- John Baptized with water. Immersed with cleansing. That is the repentance part.
- Jesus with fire and Holy Spirit
- As we are cleansed and focused then we are more in tune to the Spirit.
- Fire in the 1first century was metaphor for cleansing as well, precious metals.
- The idea is the deeper our journey and the more we discard that gets in our way, the clearer our destination is.
- With clarity we are more immersed with Spirit
- We live with a deeper connection to the Divine.
Call to Celebration
God’s Beloved, enter this worship experience anticipating Good News!
We are preparing our hearts to receive a message of hope.
People of God, you are God’s co-conspirators in creating peace.
We embrace the call to become peacemakers.
Children of God, the Incarnate One is near.
We come in expectation of a new beginning. Amen
Prince of Peace, you are our hope in this season. As we prepare for the gift of Advent, help us to shed the weight of our past. As we immerse ourselves in a future with hope, may our work light the path for others to walk in the light. Amen
Bringing in the Light
Concerns & Celebrations
Advent - Peace
Children's Moment
Music Ministry
Mark 1:1-8
Taking the Light into the World
A Prayer for Peace and Restoration
God, thank you for Advent. We are on the brink of something new. As we let go of the traumas of 2020, we hold on to the truth that you dwell among and within us; therefore, hope is alive. We choose to embrace all things new. Amen
Rev. LaTrell Harrison