Virtual Church 2020-12-13 I Am I Said!

December 13, 2020

he first Sunday of Advent the focus was on the need to change and invited God to help.  The second Sunday of Advent was to realize if we are going to immerse ourselves in our spiritual journey the we needed a guide book to help us.  Today the focus is on knowing clearly who we are and what our purpose is.  The religious leaders sent their priests to ask John the Baptist if he was the Messiah, Elijah or the Prophet.  John rightly answered he was not and his purpose was to create a straight path for people to know the “Light.”  

Who are we and what do we find ourselves immersed or baptized in?  It is when we our clear of our identity and purpose we are able to live in the higher plane of spirit.

  • Who are you?  Others want John to be someone else!
  • Priests and Levites —-There is one whom you do not know.
  • What do you say about yourself?
  • Why do you baptize if…?
  • He came to testify as a witness to the light!
  • He came, John.  Not Elijah, not a prophet.  
  • He was fulfilling his purpose.  
  • He did so in hopes all would believe.
  • He came as a witness, he proclaimed what he had experienced.
  • Initially we are baptized immersed by the world we were born into.  I see these passages not only challenge us to know who we are are but, to also discover who we are in the higher realm.  The true light of Jesus reveals the true light within ourselves.
  • Because John knew who he was he could without ego direct others to the true light.
  • Jesus asked himself this question, who am I?  How do I fulfill my purpose?
  • Who am I going to be in this situation?
  • Be-Do-Have
  • The Story of Misha
  • God is with us always!
  • Jesus is not me.  I am not Jesus.  I am Barton Buchanan.
  • However, Jesus’ teachings along with the stories of his life have help me to discover that Spirit we both share.  The Spirit of God.  
  • As Paul wrote, It is a spirit that we can never be separated form.  
  • If you are not the Messiah, Elijah or a prophet, why do you baptize?
  • What are we immersed in and why?  
  • Are we doing what we do because others have defined us and we work for them?  Or do we find ourselves immersed in activity that is true to who we are?

Call to Celebration

Eternal Existence, meet us in this glorious space.

We share this holy ground as witnesses of creation.

You are our beginning, our present and our future.

We envelop ourselves in the gift of community.

You fill this space with the good of your creation.

We believe in the power of presence. Amen


Loving Presence, you are the whole of creation. You persist in being a part of all and in all things. Remind us that you are in the ordinary and extraordinary. As we look toward your coming in this season, may we explore together the joy of being fully present with ourselves and others. Amen


Bringing in the Light 


Concerns & Celebrations


Advent - Joy

Children's Moment

Music Ministry


John 1:6-8, 19-28

Taking the Light into the World

A Prayer for Peace and Restoration

God, in faith we believe that our reality is not a fixed situation. We are evolving. Change is happening. When our world seems to be moving too fast, remind us to breathe, because your power is available to us. Amen

Rev. LaTrell Harrison 

  • Barton
    I just want to thank you for your words of hope. When I lost Anita I thought I lost my purpose in life, but then my Kevin came along and showed me that I still had a purpose. It’s been over 3 years since Anita passed but I miss her more every day, but Kevin keeps me going by showing me that I still have a purpose in life, just now it is a different one. Hope all is well with you and your family, wish we could be together again. but that will happen soon. God bless, peace be with you and your family. Will see you again when we can worship in our beautiful church.
    Ed Mehlan

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