Virtual Church 2020-12-20 Come On and Drive My Car!

December 20, 2020

 On the First Sunday of Advent we explored that before a spiritual journey can begin we need to acknowledge change is needed.  Divine intervention for that change would be welcomed. The Second Sunday of Advent we realized to start our spiritual journey we must commit to following the guide book the text provided for us. On the Third Sunday of Advent we explored the importance of knowing who are and being baptized or immersed in fulfilling our purpose.  Today’s passage is a challenge to give birth to the spirit of life God plants in all of us.

  • Dreams pregnancy is an archetype for we are about to give birth to something new.
  • Nicodemus “You must be born again or a new!”
  • It was the last verse of the text that struck me most profoundly, “May your word to me be fulfilled.”  Word—logos.  
  • John 1:1-5  1n the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it.
  • This is our covenant with God. We work everyday making the Divine in us a reality in this world.  
  • It is not a straight path.  Somedays we do wonderfully!  Other days we fail.  
  • Circular progress forward.  The main thing is you stay on the path.  It is an evolving process.  As we grow older we have greater clarity.  Greater clarity creates greater focus 
  • Mary in the story was a virgin.  God can create life in an empty place.  
  • It takes a person connected to God’s Divine Spirit to give it birth and making it real.
  • The angel’s words sum up the story of both birth announcements nicely: “For nothing will be impossible with God” (v. 37).
  • Paul received an automobile from his brother as a Christmas present.
  • God has the Plan.
  • God knows what needs to be done to fulfill God’s purpose on this earth.
  • What does God need?  
  • God needs a vehicle to make God’s Plan a reality!
  • You and I are the vehicles!
  • The greatest miracle in today’s story is that both Elizabeth and Mary believed.
  • God has found favor with you.
  • You will conceive and give birth to God’s purpose in this life!
  • Believe! And “May your word to me be fulfilled.” 

Call to Celebration

Incarnate One, we have heard the Good News that you are here!

Our hearts are ready to receive a message of hope.

Prince of Peace, you are the calm in our chaos!

You are the joy in the midst of sorrow.

O Great Love, you have shown us great compassion.

We joyfully exclaim: “This is the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in our eyes.” Amen


God, we are your beloved. You have empowered us to do extraordinary things. In this season of hope, peace, joy, love and light, help us to reconnect with the essence of Christmas. Help us not to take for granted our own presence and light in the world. Amen


Bringing in the Light 


Concerns & Celebrations


Advent - Love

Children's Moment

Music Ministry


Luke 1:26-38

Taking the Light into the World

A Prayer for Peace and Restoration

God, we are still here. There were days this year we held our breath too long. We are grateful that we can exhale and look forward to what is yet to come. We still believe that miracles are real, because we are here. Amen

Rev. LaTrell Harrison 

  • Barton I hope you read these comments I watch them as often as I can It’s almost like being there. This is a rough time of the year, I miss Anita more and more every day, she was my soul mate and so much more, she gave me purpose in life and my heart breaks. Want to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas. Hope to see you soon
    Ed Mehlan

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