Mark your calendars for Sunday, August 13th and help celebrate Backpack Sunday. Each year Windermere Union Church chooses a local school to sponsor. This year we have chosen Dillard Street Elementary School. We will be donating needed school supplies to DSES. Listed below are items that are needed. From now until August 13th there will be a box in the Narthex for donated items – thank you for your generosity.
In addition to blessing the donated items on August 13th, the children of the church may bring their backpacks for a blessing. There will be no “Wonderfully Unique Children’s Church” that day. We, the children of the classroom, will be presenting the service. After the service there will be a light luncheon and the day will conclude with a water balloon fight (please remember towels). This is a day you do not want to miss. Looking forward to seeing you all!
Love to all, The children of the WUCC and Miss Chris