Church Service 2021-05-30 Galileo Magnifico, Mama Mia Mama Mia

May 30, 2021

It was not until the 16th century that a mathematical model of a heliocentric system was presented, by the Renaissance mathematician, astronomer, and Catholic cleric Nicolaus Copernicus, leading to the Copernican Revolution. In the following century, Johannes Kepler introduced elliptical orbits, and Galileo Galilei presented supporting observations made using a telescope.

This was a complete change in the way humanity experienced the universe they lived in.  Once they discovered that our solar system does not revolve around the earth the first thing they wanted to do was kill the messengers.  The Church was the antagonist!

Regardless of how badly the church wanted the the universe to revolved around the earth and their world view the world had changed.

There are powerful religions all over the world that want to believe, and they will destroy if you disagree, that God is exclusive to them and their world view. 

The Apostle Paul is turning the world upside down again with his teachings about whom the Divine loves and embraces.

  • This texts starts out with comparing the difference of those who live in the Flesh and those who live in Spirit.
  • The main difference for me is those who live in the flesh are people who restrict themselves to live in the ego mind.  It is obvious how people become slaves to that.
  • They are slaves to fear
  • Greed
  • Addiction
  • Anger
  • Hatred
  • Bigotry
  • Defying science for their own biases
  • Their beliefs and the systems they create around them often create pain, suffering and suppression for those who do not fit into their world view.
  • Losers of the Super Bowl
  • They like the Church in the 16th Century will ignore the realities of science to push their own propaganda and Fleshy World View!
  • What does it mean to be led by the Spirit?  How can we be sure?
  • People create evil, pain and suffering everyday claiming it is God’s will!
  • What does it mean to live by the flesh?
  • Being slaves and living in fear?
  • Children calling God Daddy!  Adopted. 

Randi Michaels adopting Pauli.  

  • This is a snapshot of the first time Pauli and I met on September 15th, 2014 in Bulgaria. It was totally surreal. I handed her a teddy bear and she gave me flowers. She was taught 4 words in English and said, “Hallo, I’m called Pauli.” 

   She was 4 years old and didn’t know I’d spent 8 years looking for her. 

   They told me I couldn’t cry. They told me I’d be observed by Bulgarian Social                           

  • Services while I was with her 4 hours each day for four days. They told her I was just a lady who came to play with her for a few days. They needed to see if we would bond. 
  • On the 2nd day she started calling me “Mama”. On the third day she told the               translator she wanted to go to America with me. But I had to leave her on the 4th day so they could begin the adoption finalization process in the Bulgarian and American courts. We both cried that day. Hard. 
  • I flew home alone and had to wait four long months before they informed me she was mine.  I was in my fifties and finally became a mother for the first time. 
  • I can’t say it’s been easy. But I can definitely say she’s been a huge blessing. She’s my kid and we’re learning how to do this together. Joe is a devoted dad and our adventure is  just beginning. We’ve had a lot of help along the way and we’re incredibly grateful for those people. You know who you are. 
  • All I can say is, if you have a dream in your heart, ignore the doubts, the naysayers, the fear. The only timeline that counts is the one you make for yourself. Time is precious. Follow your heart and you’ll be guided to make the right choices. 
  • Happy Mother’s Day to all the brave and strong women on this challenging and beautiful path!!
  • Those who live in the Spirit are those who will travel across the world to bring their child home.  Two souls who knew each other before they met.  
  • Paul turned the We Are God’s Exclusives Club on it’s ear.  
  • We are all adopted.  You are no longer a foster child, you are one of us!
  • We are all joint heirs to God’s love
  • There is a seat at the table and we discover when we sit down our last name is the same as the Divine.
  • Even to this day this teaching turns the religious zealots and the ignorant into to the liars and frauds they are.  
  • Inspire of the evidence they will hold on to the Fleshy Doctrines and unproductive beliefs.  
  • I do not care how you come to know the Divine, When we choose to live in the Spirit the real world view come into play.  Regardless of how you arrive at the banquet table you are an honored guest and a full family member!
  • I know how the universe works.  I also know, experientially the Spiritual world revolves around the Divine who love and is parent to all of creation!

Call to Celebration

Mysterious Presence among us, amplify your Spirit in this sacred space.

We see You in ordinary and extraordinary ways when we gather as one spirit. 

We hear You in the melodies and voices that express praise.

The wind of the Spirit is creating a vibration of wonder around us.

Holy Spirit, expand our perceptions of the depth of Your workings.

Today, we lean into the ebb and flow of Divine Spirit.  Amen


Giver of Life, we celebrate our being and the beings who surround us. You offer us various ways of seeing You as we experience one another. May we never take for granted the blessings we experience daily. When our days become consumed with the tasks-at-hand, remind us to pause and enjoy the beauty of what You have already graciously given.  Amen

Full Service Service May 30th

Romans 8:12-17 NIV

12 Therefore, brothers and sisters, we have an obligation—but it is not to the flesh, to live according to it. 13 For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live.

14 For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. 15 The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship.[a] And by him we cry, “Abba,[b]  Father.” 16 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. 17 Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.

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