Full-Service October 16, 2022

October 17, 2022

Call to Celebration

Creator of the Universe, Earth, and all therein contained, open our minds, and touch our hearts so that we can be part of your compassionate gift of creation.
Be present to those in need in these difficult times, especially the poorest and most vulnerable, both human and more than human life; as we face the degradation and human damage to air, water, lands, and all life.
Make us courageous in embracing the changes required to seek the common good. Now more than ever, may we all feel interconnected and interdependent.
Enable us to listen and respond to the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor. May their current sufferings become the birth pangs of a more communal and sustainable world. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ and the Spirit, the sustainer of life.


 Let us affirm the Spirit’s principles of Creation justice. The Earth and all therein are beloved of the Creator. The Earth is a community of interconnected living things that are mutually dependent on each other for life and survival. We are kindred. The Spirit is present in the living voice of the Earth and all living creatures. Earth is a sacred community of interconnected living things that are mutually dependent on each other for life and survival.


Service October 16th 

Scripture Lesson 

“Earth is with the compassion of the Lord.”

(Psalm 33:5)

“Be compassionate as Abba God is compassionate.”

  (Luke 6:36)
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