May 21, 2023 – Recognition Sunday

May 22, 2023

Call to Worship

Leader: The crayons are no longer wearing their clothes and the book corners are bent.
All: Thank you, God, for a wonderful year.
Leader: The books that smelled so new at the beginning of the year now smell more like sweaty socks.
All: Thank you, God, for a happy year.
Leader: Our students have gone to school each morning and have returned home each night.
All: Thank you, God, for a perfect year.


One: Please join me in unison in our Offertory Prayer…Friends, the peace of Christ be with you!

All: And also, with you!

One: Let us pray…

All: Majestic Lord, you unselfishly provide us with the sanctuary of your love. You wisely calm our imagined fears while nurturing our dream-filled hopes. Grant us the ability to serve you faithfully. Joyfully, we honor you with these tithes and offerings. Blessed be your name! Amen.

Service May 21st  

Scripture Lesson 

Matthew 19:14 (NRSV)            

 14 but Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.”

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