Full-Service August 28, 2022, Pastor Barton’s Farewell Service

August 29, 2022

Call to Celebration

Blessed…we have been blessed with a pastor, leader, teacher, counselor, confident.
And with someone who has laughed with us, grieved     with us, loved with us and has become our friend.
Rejoice in the time we have had together and give thanks.
Today is a day of difficult goodbyes and happy hellos   for our bright future.
Our lives have been changed.
Never will our lives be the same, and for that, we   are thankful!


The first words of the Bible are about God’s own generosity.  God gave us the gifts of a beautiful creation, our home, the good green earth, and the animals that live here with us. On this very special morning, we come together to thank God and to offer our gifts so that the ministry of this church will continue to grow and be a blessing to the world.  Let us gather our gifts together and offer them to God in gratitude and praise. Amen

Service August 28

Our church family is ever changing.
Loved ones are born into the family
and loved ones come to the end of their lives.
Individuals come and go in our church life.
It is important and right
that we recognize these times of passage,
of endings and beginnings.
Today we celebrate the gifts
you have brought to us as our pastor.

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