Virtual Church 2020-12-27 Christmas is Not Over

December 27, 2020


Christmas is not over. The Spirit of Christmas resides in each of us. Today, we will explore extraordinary encounters inside the temple. As Mary and Joseph present their baby to God, their eyes are open to the treasure they’ve been gifted.

Luke’s literary style of pairing brings balance to the narrative. The evangelist introduces us to two characters who use their words to bring clarity to the gift.

The presence of God is experienced inside and outside the temple. What we possess inside is too precious to be contained in one space.

There is something that resides in us that brings our soul alive. Will we have the courage to go and do that?

Jerusalem is inviting us to travel into Christmastide with wonder. Wonder is alive and dwells among us. Let’s find it together.



Call to Celebration

God, meet us in this sacred space.

We are anticipating your presence. 

You have given us wisdom teachers for guidance.

May we recognize truth when we see it. 

Your spirit opens us to new paths.

Give us courage to follow the wonder. Amen


God, in your temple, you reveal light, truth, power and many other things. We often come to worship out of routine, expecting only the ordinary. Rekindle the joy of expectation as we present ourselves as offerings to you. Amen


Bringing in the Light 


Concerns & Celebrations

Music Ministry

Children's Moment

Music Ministry


Luke 2:22-40

Taking the Light into the World

A Prayer for Peace and Restoration

God, we take delight in the joy of Christmas. When we lose sight of the truth that is right in front of us, remind us that the wonder of Christmas has never left us. Amen

Rev. LaTrell Harrison 

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