Provoking Thought. Inspiring Spirit. Accepting All.

We invite you to experience our hospitality by joining us for Sunday morning worship at 10 am or joining virtually.  A very warm welcome awaits.

Ministries (OLD)

Children’s Sunday School & Nursery

Windermere Union Church offers Sunday School to children ages 5-11. Our Bible-based curriculum is lovingly taught for church community members. The children enjoy learning about living in God’s way through stories, songs, games and crafts.

Younger children (four years old and younger) are invited to play in the nursery. Children are dismissed from the sanctuary after the children’s message.

Adult Sunday School

Adult Sunday School meets before church on Sundays at 9:00 a.m. in the Kinder Gym (the building across from the sanctuary). Each week a short video is played followed by an open discussion lead by Allen Nagle.

Adult Bible Study

Please join us for adult bible study on Tuesday evenings in the Narthex at 7:00 p.m, led by Pastor Barton. Contact the church office for a copy of the study materials to be emailed to you.

Our bible study is filled with vibrant conversation about what the Bible means for us today as modern Christians and how we can implement its teachings into our daily lives.

Small Group

The small group gets together once a month. Check the calendar for day/time. We have fellowship in a members home. We watch a video and have discussion. It is great time to get to know each other better and to share in a time of fellowship and learning. If you are interested in learning more about Small Group, please contact Todd La Flame:

Music Ministry

The Chancel Choir, under the direction of Kevin Harris, is always looking for new members. There is no audition required.

Singers of all talent levels, from beginners to those with many years of experience are all welcome. Rehearsals are held on Tuesday evenings from 6:00-7:00 p.m. Please feel free to show up on any Tuesday. The choir sings three weeks out of every month, with a lighter schedule during the summer. Listen to our choir sing.

The praise team is Windermere Union Church’s contemporary music group that provides all kinds of music during the worship service. Praise team practice takes place Sunday in the Sanctuary from 9:00-10:00 a.m.

Learn more about our Music Ministry.

Youth Ministry

The Windermere Union Youth Group is not a “group.” It is an experience.

Comprised of students in Junior High through College (most of the college students began in Junior High and just never left).

Junior Highers (6th-8th grade) meet on Sunday afternoons at 4:00 p.m.

The high school and college students meet together on Wednesday for a light supper and discussion.

Learn more about our youth ministry program.

Stephen Ministry

Windermere Union Church is proud to have numerous trained and certified Stephen Ministers in its community. A Stephen Minister can help you navigate a tough time in your life by meeting with you, listening to you and offering Christ-based support. Learn more about Stephen Ministry.

Christian Service Center

Windermere Union Church prepares and serves an early evening meal at the West Orange Christian Service Center on the first Sunday of the month to about 50 people. The center provides the meat and supplement vegetables, desserts and casseroles from our members. We try to keep preparation simple. We arrive at 4:00 and serve the meal at 5:00 and clean up by 6:00.

This ministry allows us to be the body of Christ in a very simple way and strengthen our connection with people in need.

To help at our next Christian Service Center meal, please contact the church office: or call 407-876-2112


Free help for family members, partners, and significant others of individuals with:

  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Major Depression
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorder
  • Panic Disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Co-occurring Brain Disorders and Addictive Disorders

12 weekly classes structured to help family members understand and support their mentally ill loved one while maintaining their own well-being. The course is taught by a team of trained volunteer family members who know what it’s like to have a loved one with a serious mental illness in the family. Learn the biology of the brain, information about medications and treatment options, communication skills, problem solving and self-care. There is no cost to participate in the NAMI family-to-family class.

NAMI Greater Orlando has 3 class locations: Downtown Orlando, Kissimmee and Southwest Orlando

Register by contacting the NAMI office:

Phone: 407-253-1900


Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm in the pre-school building. For more information about the meetings, please contact Central Florida Intergroup.
