
Come walk the native trail with Windermere Union Church's Native American spirtuality group, Windsong. Led by retired UCC-pastor David Houseal, Windsong connects us with Native American traditions and history.

Learn more about Windsong

Children’s Church

Windermere Union's wonderfully unique children's church happens during the worship service and provides the children an opportunity to learn Bible stories, play, create with arts and crafts, and form strong relationships with other children. Children also learn about other cultures, religious traditions and history.

Adult Sunday School

Sundays at 9:00 a.m. In Adult Sunday School, we delve into the most pressing issues of our time, philosophy, the Bible and more. Recent topics have included: What are your concepts for Jesus, God, Heaven and Hell? How have your beliefs changed over time? How does ecology fit into religion?

Learn more about Adult Sunday School

Bible Study

Tuesdays at 7:00. Explore the Bible with our senior pastor in a thoughtful weekly Bible study. Come ready for deep thought and stimulating conversation. No questions are off the table!

Story Time with Miss Chris

Our Children's Coordinator, Miss Chris, invites the children to weekly story time with an online video.

See the latest children stories

Music Ministry

The Chancel Choir, under the direction of Troy Dolendo, has singers of all talent levels, from beginners to those with many years of experience.

The praise team is Windermere Union Church’s contemporary music group that provides all kinds of music during the worship service.

Learn more about our Music Ministry

Stephen Ministry logo with text.
Stephen Ministry logo

Stephen Ministry

Windermere Union Church is proud to have numerous trained and certified Stephen Ministers in its community. A Stephen Minister can help you navigate a tough time in your life by meeting with you, listening to you and offering Christ-based support.

Learn more about Stephen Ministry
