Virtual Church 2020-11-15 Becoming a Master Piece

November 15, 2020

Today’s lesson is about taking the risks to invest yourself I to this world. Burying our gifts and talents results in severe consequences. God gives us gifts according our abilities. When we choose to bury our gifts because of fear the whole world loses.

  • Cezanne and Zola
  • Paul may have the genius to be a great painter, but he will never have the genius to become one. The least obstacle makes him despair.”
  • Of course, Cézanne never went back to the painting, but Zola would not forget the artist’s hopeless, exasperated struggles. He himself also experienced doubts and hesitations but always persevered with his work. Zola never gave up.
  • Projection and blaming
  • ‘Master,’ he said, ‘I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed. 25 So I was afraid and went out and hid your gold in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you.’
  • The reward is the same if we fully invest.

Your voice comforts,
Your voice brings healing,
Your voice helps others understand more deeply.
It is unjust and irresponsible to keep your voice to yourself.

  • In the end, Zola was not Paul Cezanne’s final judge. Cezanne’s paintings are in museums all over the world.
  • Unfortunately, it was Paul who became the harsh critic and judge.
  • However, the God we love and serve is patient and knows a master piece when God sees it.
  • ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’
  • Be The Master Piece You Were Created to Be!!!!!!!

Call to Celebration

We have entered this sacred space of overflowing blessings.

We are God’s gifts to the world. 

Divine Providence is among us.

Spirit moves through us to create wonder. 

We will not hide our marvelous light.

We will celebrate life by giving it all we have. Amen


Light of the world, free us from the insecurity that is fed by fear. You have entrusted us with beautiful gifts. In faith, we offer you the best of ourselves. We lift our gifts before you in thanksgiving; knowing that everything that is touched by you is expanded. Amen

Bringing in the Light 


Living in Quarantine

Music Ministry 

Children's Moment



Matthew 25: 14-30

Taking the Light into the World

A Prayer for Peace and Restoration

God, you are compelling us to go deeper. At times our fear feels greater than our courage. When all seems bleak, empower us to plunge deep for the rubies below the surface. Some things we buried deserve to be resurrected. Amen

Rev. LaTrell Harrison

  • Pastor Barton – THANK YOU for this message. I SO NEEDED to hear it today! I couldn’t agree more with the message you received during mediation – Your voice comforts, Your voice brings healing (and inspiration), Your voice helps others understand more deeply. It is unjust and irresponsible to keep your voice to yourself.

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