Virtual Church 2020-04-26 Familiar Pathways, New Discoveries

April 24, 2020

This week explore a familiar theme in the post resurrection stories. Jesus appears to two disciples as they walk back to their home in Emmaus. They like Mary at the tomb do not recognize Jesus when he joined them on their journey. However, Jesus walked and taught them along a path that was familiar to them. After their encounter that path would never be the same. Below are the points we will discover during the sermon.

  • We, like those two disciples, while seeking deeper understanding and a greater consciousness must walk a path.
  • Jesus is not instantly known to them. If we want to know the deeper treasures Jesus offers, we have to do our work.
  • They had hoped Jesus was the one to redeem Israel. Their expectations were narrow. Jesus helped them to see his purpose was much broader than their expectation.
  • Are we at times blinded because we are not looking for the bigger picture?
  • Jesus used familiar stories of Moses and the prophets to empower them to them in a new and powerful way.
  • As Jesus helped them to see more deeply their hearts burned for more. What does your soul burn for?
  • They invite Jesus in! He was a stranger to them and they invited him to join them. Is Jesus a stranger to us?
  • They recognize Jesus in the simple act of breaking and blessing bread at dinner.
  • When they recognize Jesus, he disappears. Now that they have a deeper and clearer understanding of Jesus’ purpose, they no longer need the physical Jesus.
  • While practicing Shelter in Place in very familiar surroundings, what are we burning for and learning?

Call to Celebration

God of all creation, your presence manifest in all areas of our lives.
You show up extraordinarily in our ordinary routines.
We are in the midst of exploring a new path.
Open our eyes to see the joy in mystery.
You are a consistent companion.
You are always journeying with us.
We are uncertain of this new way of being.
Remind us along the way, “I am who I am” is with us. Amen


God of all consciousness, you are keenly aware of who we are and where we are on life’s journey. You are in all the details. When we think we are at a period, you show us it’s a comma. We have many more exclamation points to experience. In faith, we walk this new path of being, because burning bushes are not consumed by fire. Amen

Bringing in the Light


Stewardship Announcement

Prayers and Concerns

Children's Moment

Music Ministry - Wonder

Scripture & Sermon

Familiar Pathways, New Discoveries

Luke 24:13-35

Extinguishing the Light

A Prayer for Peace and Restoration

God of our weary years,
God of our silent tears,
Thou who has brought us thus far on the way;
Thou who has by Thy might Led us into the light,
Keep us forever in the path, we pray.
Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met Thee, Lest, our hearts drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee; Shadowed beneath Thy hand,
May we forever stand.
True to our God,
True to our native land.

(Johnson, James Weldon, 1917. “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” stanza 3)

Johnson, James Weldon

    • You are welcome, Martha!

      If you are on Facebook and know people who would find value in hearing Pastor Barton’s message, we would LOVE for you to use the Share button on the top of the page. This will automatically link them back to this online service.

  • We always love to hear the message about the walk to Emmaus especially since the Walk to Emmaus retreat has been so transformative in our lives.

    We also love the positive message about connecting with the familiar in a different way while sheltering-in-place.

    Thank you to the whole worship team for giving us a boost this Sunday morning!

  • The sermon was so beautiful, so calming, so thought-provoking. Thank you, Pastor Barton!

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