Virtual Church 2020-06-14 There is Work to Do!

June 14, 2020

Today’s sermon is focused on how we serve in God’s realm. Even Jesus needed help. He saw the multitudes and it was clear to him they needed someone to heal and nurture them. Jesus sends his disciples out by twos and gives them directions and authority to heal and teach.

  • The kingdom of God is a healing place.
  • The task of the disciple of Jesus was to be a healer.
  • Some of us are professional healers/therapists , doctors, nurses, physicians.
  • Even if we are not a professional healers, we still have the power to heal.
  • Stephen Ministers are taught how to heal by being a good listener.
  • We have authority to do Christ‘s ministry. The Greek word for authority means the power of choice! We choose to be kind.
  • As disciples we heal as we are helping others to do the same.
  • We become agents of healing and teaching when we share our experiential relationship with God.
  • Our teaching and healing must be authentic and genuine.
  • We often have no idea how powerful we are to make a difference.
  • Takeaway: Compassion is always linked to action — action that is liberating and healing.

Call to Celebration

God of all creation, we gather to receive empowerment.
You have chosen us to demonstrate compassion.
Leader Your mission of inclusion is still relevant; we hear you speaking.
Meeting human needs have always been priority to you. 

Living out your mission requires risks. 

Love radically challenges the status quo.
Missions are not completed in isolation. 

Unity reminds us of what is possible.



Compassionate Creator, you never send us out alone. We are knitted together in grace. In difficult moments, remind us that we are a post-resurrection community of faith. Life emerges, despite the circumstance.


Bringing in the Light


Celebrations and Concerns

Youth Recognition

Children's Moment

Music Ministry

Scripture & Sermon

Extinguishing the Light

Matthew 9:35-10:8

A Prayer for Peace and Restoration

God of Peace, these turbulent days have ripped, disrupted, and collapsed all that is normal. We
are forced to see a painful reality. Empower us to pause for introspection. Help us to refuel and
reimagine who you are calling us to be in these times. Healing is possible. Even after
resurrection, you walked with open wounds. Give us the courage to walk openly with our
wounds, perhaps they can help others to heal. Amen

Rev. LaTrell Harrison

  • Thank you for this message! I’m so grateful to have found this church in the midst of this incredibly powerful storm ❤️

  • Loved, loved, loved Troy’s song! Hope to hear that many more times. Thank you!!!!

  • I loved seeing our children and young parents. I miss you all so much! So many of our little ones have matured and I am so proud of all that you have accomplished!

    Thank you WUC staff for what you create every week! Troy, I second the comments on your incredible music videos.

    Jackie, I am glad you found us too! WUC is an incredible place to be at all times in life!

    Peace to you all!

    Pastor Barton

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