Virtual Church 2020-09-06 A Tired Prophet in Tyre

September 6, 2020

This worship was created to give gratitude to the hard work of the pastors and leaders of the local churches throughout the Florida Conference and celebrate the opportunity to worship together.

Call to Worship

We are summoned here by our holy God, who calls us each by name and gathers us together in the unity of Jesus Christ. From classroom and homeschooling, kitchen, and carpool, we are called into God's presence. Young and old and middle-aged, individuals and families soft-spoken and outspoken, we hear our names being called to join in worship. This time of one in which to pursuit God’s vision for all people. Unity and joy and faith are expressed through different gifts. Let us worship together.


Responsive Reading

God calls us into the world to accept the cost and joy of discipleship for the sake of Gods wholeness that discipleship leads us to meet new people and enter new places where people have difficulty and where they make joy we are happy part of a church that values action it is not enough to talk to talk about Gods god news or act in ways that put ourselves at the center. We are called to embrace opportunities to get personally involved to reflect and put words to the experience and then to act again in order to make God’s love deep and wide in the world a church that talks the talk and walks the walk will be dynamic as we address need and exclusion and as we shape a world where access and bounty are truly for all.

Complete Florida Conference, UCC Worship 

Bringing in the Light 


Celebrations and Concerns

Call to Worship

Moment for Mission

Confession & Assurance

Mark 7:24-37

Children's Moment


Mark 7:24-37


Extinguishing the Light

Mark 7:24-37 Rev. John Vertigan 

A Prayer for Peace and Restoration

Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

1 Corinthians 15:58

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