Virtual Church 2020-11-08 While We Wait

November 8, 2020

Today’s parable is considered one of Jesus’ secret messages about kin-dom living. In this pericope five virgins bring their lamps and five bring their lamps and extra oil. This wedding imagery in Matthew offers us introspection on time, preparation, and the value of oil. In this text we will explore:

  • Wedding customs
  • The author’s purpose of wedding imagery
  • The importance of extra oil
  • The possibilities available while waiting

Call to Celebration

We greet this time of worship in anticipation.
We are looking forward to the surprises.
We embrace our Light.
We are trimming our lamps.
Don’t forget the oil.
We are prepared to have an overflow of oil.  Amen


God of Abundance, you graciously provide light. When we are rushing to do, we sometimes burn out. Remind us to cultivate our light by immersing ourselves in the gift of love and community. Amen

Bringing in the Light 


Stewardship Moment 

Celebrations & Concerns

Music Ministry 

Children's Moment



Matthew 23: 1-12

Taking the Light into the World

A Prayer for Peace and Restoration

God, when we become weary in doing, remind us to pause and bask in the oil of grace. Help us to rediscover and reimagine our gifts. The possibility of renewal is right before us when we awaken and delight ourselves in Light. Amen

Rev. LaTrell Harrison

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