Virtual Church 2021-04-25 A Soul Life

April 25, 2021

A Soul Life

  • After taking care of a loved one for a year with a terminal illness, death, now what?
  • Similar place now with WUC.

Close or not to close

Virtual Worship


Set new parameters for doing ministry without physical contact.  

Keeping our church together during a pandemic

How do we keep ourselves financially sound?

When can I get vaccinated?

When will everyone become vaccinated?

How do we reopen?

When will it be safe to worship in person again?

When can visit my grandchildren?

How do we celebrate the life of those who died over the last year?

Economics, jobs paying bill buying food

Will toilet paper ever be available again?

  • Now that we are seeing COVID in the review mirror….Now what do we do
  • I found the answer to that question with this lovely scripture passage.

We center our focus as we gather again on our purpose.  What We Do!

  • He laid down his LIFE—psyche—-soul, breath of life for us.
  • ὀφείλομεν—to be in debt for
  • Bios material possessions
  • vs. 21 Confidence—boldly, freedom to speak, free and fearless confidence.
  • vs. 23 love agape
  • vs. 24. Keep—to guard carefully
  • To see experientially. 
  • Pity—moved from the bowels
  • Love one another.
  • This scripture is a passage that reminds us who we have always been!
  • We can do this!  We have confidence!
  • Have confidence because our spirit is in tune with God.
  • We Know Intimately!
  • Karen Carlson’s life story.
  • She has a fascinating story.  At the end of her presentation she stated that her courage to explore and be different should not be a surprise for any of us.  Then she started naming all the people in our church who are extraordinary in so many ways.
  • It brought tears to my eyes and solace to my heart.  She shared what she Knew about us.  I Knew what she shared was accurate because I Know you too!

Share our abundance and help others who are struggling.

  • Abundance is not just about money.
  • Abundance in kindness
  • Spiritual maturity
  • Sharing our collective and individual wisdom.
  • Nurture and teaching.

We will Know who we are and what to do because of the Spirit God Gave us.

  • The same spirit as Jesus and his first disciples, men and women.

“They've  will know we are Christians by our love by our love they will know we are Christians by our love

Because of what we say but more importantly in what we do!

Call to Celebration

God, you are the embodiment of love.

Your love for us cannot be split apart. 

Your actions align with your words.

Fear has liminal space in the presence of love. 

Love creates spaces for transformation.

Your love is non negotiable. 

Love is incomplete in isolation.

Faith and love are lifetime companions.


Our souls are awakened by a love that gives openly and fluidly. A love like this cannot be measured. We give in celebration and thanksgiving for immeasurable grace. Amen

Luke 24:36-48 NIV

Bringing in the Light 


Concerns & Celebrations


Children's Moment

Praise Song


Luke 24:36-48 NIV

Taking the Light into theWorld

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