Virtual Church 2020-06-28 Simple Gestures Bring Healing

June 28, 2020

Over the last few weeks Jesus has been teaching us how to be his disciples.  Our lessons continue with this passage.  As disciples and followers of Jesus our job is to be a teaching and healing presence in this world. Today’s passage shows us how powerful simple gestures can be to bring healing to others.

  • Those who welcome Jesus also welcome the one who sent him, God.
  • Prophet in the Greek—One who interprets oracles.  One who speaks and is guided by the Spirit
  • Reward—-To receive ones wages.  To receive what's one has toiled for.
  • Spirituality is work.
  • Water in the Greek was also used as a metaphor to saturate one’s mind.
  • Bad religion/Life of rejection/Told God cannot love you. Told your whole life you do not measure up! Can you see how being accepted for who you are transforms and empowers the soul.
  • What is the reward? 
  • Those who welcome the life and teachings of Jesus not only accept but offer kindness even in the simplest gestures.  A cup of cold water.  
  • To welcome and accept others is to welcome the Divine.
  • Who we are and what we teach and create in this world goes way beyond our body and mind.
  • Please, also consider this.  Accept the kindness of others.  They are doing God’s work too!

Call to Celebration

God, who is welcomed at your table?
All peoples are esteemed in my presence.
God, what practices are acceptable at your table?
Indigenous, Protestant, Catholic, Zen, Tao, Universal and more.
Hospitality is the fruit of a faith rooted in love.
Exclusion dilutes our faith.
Inclusion enriches our narrative.
God, empower us to work towards radical and extravagant welcome. Amen


God, your invitation to us is provocative. As you invite us to sit at the table, we are to make room for others to be a part of the table. You do not ask us to come whole. You meet us where we are on our journey. Remind us God, that just as we do not sit at the table whole, our brothers and sisters come to the table also seeking what we are seeking —acceptance and grace. May we be at peace with ourselves and one another as we seek together. Amen

Bringing in the Light 


Celebrations and Concerns

Children's Moment

Music Ministry

Scripture & Sermon

Extinguishing the Light

Matthew 10:40-42

A Prayer for Peace and Restoration

Gently become aware of your body and your interior state.
Welcome, welcome, welcome.
I welcome everything that comes to me in this moment because I know it is for my healing.
I welcome all thoughts, feelings, emotions,
persons, situations and conditions.
I let go of my desire for security. I let go of my desire for approval.
I let go of my desire for control.
I let go of my desire to change any situation, condition, person, or myself.
I open to the love and presence of God
and the healing action and grace within.

Mary Mrozowski 1925-1993
The creator and spiritual mother of the welcoming prayer practice.

  • This week’s message resonated with me on many levels. I have recently experienced great success in accepting people for who they are in all areas of my life (including personal friends and professional connections). I know that we all are different people and have unique gifts to share with the world. Once I shifted from a mindset of “how can I change them to be more like me” to “how can I accept them and celebrate them for who they are,” it completely changes the energy of the relationship. I am so happy to have found a church that unconditionally accepts me for who I am.

    • I truly think that is the secret to a happy life, accepting people for who they are rather than trying to change them to who I need them to be!

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